Butler University Smoke/Vape/Nicotine Free Policy
To help ensure a healthy, productive, respectful environment in which to work, learn, and live, Butler University became a Smoke/Vape/Nicotine-Free on February 1, 2021. This strengthens our commitment to creating a culture of well-being through BU|BeWell.
About this Policy
Effective Date: February 1, 2021
Date of Last Review/update: November 1, 2020
Responsible Office: Office of the President
Policy Contact: Human Resources and Student Affairs
Policy Feedback: If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form
All Butler University property including all buildings, parking structures, and walkways on Butler’s campus, as well as University vehicles and privately-owned vehicles parked on University property. The policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, contractors, vendors, and visitors to all University properties.
Policy Statement
The use of any form of tobacco, nicotine, or vaping/smoking device is prohibited on the Butler University campus. This includes all buildings (including residence halls), parking structures, campus walkways, University-owned, leased, or rented vehicles; and privately-owned vehicles parked on University property. This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, contractors, vendors, and visitors to all University properties.
Reason for Policy
There is strong evidence of harm associated with all forms of tobacco or nicotine use, as well as evidence of harm associated with smoking or vaping any substance. As an institution of higher education and its commitment to creating a culture of well-being through BU|BeWell, Butler University has an obligation to foster and promote a healthy, smoke/vape/nicotine-free environment for its students, faculty/staff, affiliates, and visitors.
What is Included in this policy?
This policy encompasses all forms of tobacco, nicotine, e-liquids, electronic nicotine (and other drug) delivery devices, and any product or paraphernalia related to smoking. This policy includes but is not limited to all tobacco and smoking/vaping-related items defined in Indiana Codes 7.1 and 24.3. Common examples include but are not limited to electronic smoking/vaping devices, e-liquids, smokeless nicotine (pouches, lozenges, etc.), smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco/snuff, etc.), and traditional combustible cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc. (See the codes linked above for more in-depth and detailed definitions.)
What is Excluded from this policy?
- Use of non-smoked/non-vaporized products approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a smoking cessation aid or for treatment of nicotine dependence is permitted.
- Items included in this policy may be permitted as part of a research program that has been approved by the Butler University Institutional Review Board, as well as the Institutional Biosafety Committee if/when appropriate. In such circumstances, the approved program shall include reasonable measures to protect the Butler community from adverse health effects of such use, restrict use to the smallest amount reasonably warranted for medical, scientific, or research purposes, and require the safe and appropriate disposal of any remaining used or unused products or devices.
Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to champion this initiative and to directly and politely educate those unaware of the policy, or remind those who disregard it. The primary goal of the policy is to achieve compliance with the smoke/vape/nicotine-free campus policy by educating faculty, staff, students, vendors, and visitors about the policy. The enforcement of the smoke/vape/nicotine-free policy is viewed as the shared responsibility of all those in the campus community, tobacco users, and non-users alike. It is expected that all parties treat each other with respect and dignity at all times. It is essential that we support each other and embrace the spirit of having a healthy living, learning, and working environment.
If you see someone in violation of this policy, please submit this Policy Concerns form.
The consequences of violating the Policy will follow existing discipline processes. Reports of violations by students will be addressed through the student conduct process facilitated by the Dean of Students Office. Reports of violations by faculty or staff, contract employees, and contractors will be addressed by Supervisors and Human Resources.
Cessation Resources
- Counseling and Consultation Resources can help. Please visit victorybreastimaging.com/counseling-services/making-appointments to make an appointment.
- The following free resources are available:
- smokefree.gov or by calling 1-800-quit-now.
- Indiana Tobacco Quitline 800-QUIT-NOW or quitnowindiana.com
- The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can help
- Visit Online: guidanceresources.com (Company Web ID: ONEAMERICA3)
- Call 1-855-387-9727
- The following free resources are available:
- smokefree.gov or by calling 1-800-quit-now.
- Indiana Tobacco Quitline 800-QUIT-NOW or quitnowindiana.com